Fareham Locksmith - Blog

Mortice Locks

The Mortice Lock - Before the invention of the euro cylinder/lock most doors and entrances were fitted with the good old mortice lock. There are numerous branded mortice locks but there are two main types are the sash lock and the deadlock. They differ in that the sash lock has a handle that is built…
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What To Do If You Have Been Burgled

What To Do If You Have Been Burgled Discovering you have had a break in is everyone’s worst nightmare, with this said it is important to try and stay focused and follow the necessary steps to get things back in order. Below you will find a guide that our experts at Locksmith Fareham have put…
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National Locksmiths – Be Aware of Them!

National Locksmiths National Locksmiths generally turn out to be middle men who are simply sub-contracting work out to local locksmiths for usually double the normal price! There is usually a call-centre in place which the local phone numbers call through to and you yourself will never actually get to speak to the locksmith themselves until…
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Lock Changes – Budgeting for in Your New Home

Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone, but it also comes with numerous responsibilities. One crucial task that often gets overlooked is changing the locks. Lock changes are essential for ensuring the security of your new abode, as you can never be certain how many people have copies of the existing keys. Here's…
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