Category Archives: Repair and replacement of existing locks

What Can Locksmith Fareham Help You With?

Common Problems That A Locksmith Can Help You With Proper security is a basic need that every house owner wishes to have in they're house, be it in Fareham or anywhere else! Every house owner shiould to have a strong locks and security system so that nobody can easily break-in to the house. However, house…
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Locksmith. So, What Is A Locksmith?

So, You Call Yourself A locksmith We all refer to ourselves as a locksmith but the definition of the trade has changed considerably since the days of building locks in your garden with huge lumps of machinery. The term 'locksmiths' nowadays has a broader definition. Of all the locksmiths I currently know the more successful…
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Types Of Locks – Locksmith Fareham

Introduction Doors are a burglar's favourite entry and exit point, so make sure your doors have good-quality locks and security devices. As your windows are also vulnerable, it's a good idea to fit them with locks that are suited to their particular style or type. Types Of Locks - Door Locks There are a wide…
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Master Keying – Locksmith

Master Keying – Locksmith Fareham Master keying is an area of work for a specialist locksmiths such as your local Fareham locksmith, particularly useful for businesses.  For homes of multiple occupancy (where you may want room keys to also open the front door), these are ways to reduce the number of keys required. Another great…
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