It doesn’t have to be an emergency to call your local locksmith
When you think of locksmiths you probably associate us with an emergency situation. Perhaps with the urgent requirement to replace damaged locks in the event of a break in or maybe for those times when you have lost your keys and need to get back inside your home. There are however, many everyday occasions when we can help you, bringing the same level of reassurance as you would expect in an emergency.
Here’s a brief rundown of the services we can offer you that don’t constitute an emergency:
Key Cutting
There are many reasons why you may need new keys to your property besides the obvious one of losing or misplacing them. Consider the times when you will need another set of keys:
- Someone new moving into your property
- A child growing up and requiring their own set of keys
- Needing to give a set of keys to your cleaner or trusted tradesman
Often the need arises out of the blue and whilst it isn’t urgent, you may prefer to get the key cut sooner rather than later. If that’s the case we can definitely help you out. Find out more about our key cutting services.
Window, Door and Lock Repairs
We accept that there are some repairs that will need to be carried out urgently, for example following a break in, however there are also times when the faulty window locks or misaligned doors you’ve put up with for ages suddenly become a problem that needs fixing.
This being the case, a locksmith is the perfect person to call as we’ve got the expertise and equipment to solve the problem and secure your property promptly and efficiently.
Find out more about how we can repair your windows, doors and locks.
Lock Changes
There are occasions when you will need locks changing in an emergency – such as the hostile breakdown of a relationship or the loss of your keys – however there are also situations in which you will quickly want to upgrade the locks on your doors. It may be, for example, that you have read something in the news about a spate of burglaries in your area and you want to improve your home security by upgrading to high security locks. In this situation a professional locksmith can advise you on the most effective locks and then install these to give you peace of mind that your home is better protected against forced entry.
If you want to upgrade your locks, have a new set of keys cut or make those long overdue repairs to your windows and doors please call Locksmith Portsmouth's team today on 02392 990249.
And don’t forget if you do need us in an emergency we operate 24/7 so please call on 02380 070246 and we’ll be with you as soon as we can.
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