How secure is your home?
As well as opportunistic burglaries, some burglars scope out a property beforehand, sometimes working with others. It's therefore important to think about what will ensure your home looks occupied at all times, that there aren't obvious places where a burglar can hide to asses the house, and that their entrance to the house is visible and difficult.
Ask yourself:
- Is it obvious when you're on holiday or away from the home? For example, are your curtains always shut or is there lots of unopened post?
- Are windows and doors left open, even if they're not easily accessible?
- Do your windows and doors have visible locks?
- How well lit is the outside of your home?
- Is there a spare key that’s easily visible, or easy to find, such as underneath the plant pot or above the ledge on the door?
- Are the lights on or off all the time, making it look like you're away?
- Do you have high walls and hedges, which could give burglars protection from being seen?
- Is accessing your house noisy for a burglar? For example, is there gravel?
- Are there any ladders lying around that a burglar could use?
- What equipment do you keep in your shed and garage? What is its value and can it be used to help someone break in?
- How secure is the shed or garage? Is it always kept locked with high-quality padlocks and security locks?