So recently I started advertising in Warsash under the auspice of Locksmith Warsash.  Low and behold before I had even swung my pick in anger I received a negative 1 star review through google.  Feast your eyes on this big pile of hogwash.  Its very disappointing and makes my business look less than professional, which it very much is not.  Im still top of the pile though thanks to all my positive reviews from real customers and to them I would like to say thank you!

If anyone knows how to get fake reviews reassessed or removed I would love to hear from you

a month ago
Critical: Professionalism, Punctuality

Very unprofessional not how I would run my business 🙈

Response from the owner a month ago

Thank you for your review John! There are 2 Locksmith Warsash's, have you got the right one?

As I have no record of any correspondence or work carried out on your behalf can ask for some evidence so I may look at reviewing my procedures. This should be easy for you as my invoices are serialised, my van is tracked and my calls are recorded (for situations just like this), so if you can provide me with just the tiniest scrap of proof that your review may be genuine I will give you £1000 in cash as an apology for my lack of professionalism and as a form of recompense for the untold suffering you have endured at my hands. Additionally I will give another £1000 to a charity of your choice. This is a win win for you. You get £1000, your favourite charity gets £1000 and I get a very public and GENUINE slapping down. So come on, don't let that charity down sir!!

You should have my personal mobile number (its on the invoice) so hopefully I will be hearing from you real soon. Stay Safe!!

Dougie Silver
ACQ Locksmiths Ltd

UPDATE: 7 days passed and nothing back from this tosser yet!! More to follow!


Derrick Wright, Proper Knob