Tag Archives: Stubbington

Fareham Locksmith – Lock Change?

Fareham Locksmith - Lock Change? Here at Fareham Locksmith my customers often ask me when or under what circumstances they should change their door locks. Here are my top 8 reasons to consider changing your locks in your home. Poor quality lock on an external door This is probably one of the most important reasons…
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How Old Is A Very Old Lock

How Old Is an Old Lock? Have you ever wondered how advanced was technology in terms of security devices (or old lock), back in the ancient times when the events described in Games of Thrones took place? Well, we have! As locksmith professionals, who constantly chase the newest technological developments in our sphere, while also…
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So I’m Locked Out Of My House! Now What?

So I’m Locked Out Of My House! Now What? Look At All Possible Entrances So you find yourself locked out.  First things first. Have a thorough check around the property just in case there is another way in. Check that all the windows and doors are secure , you never know, one might be unlocked…
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Favourite Locksmith – Fareham

Favourite Locksmith - Fareham Hopefully you will never have the need for a locksmith to visit you at your home, however, should the need arise, if you call your favourite locksmith we will ensure you'll never feel vulnerable again. There are many reasons we are called out to attend to security matters such as: Lost Keys…
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